POS Data Collection & Analysis

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Benefits of Accelerated Analytics


Improve sales, in-stock & sell-thru performance.  Our pre-built reports will show you which items are selling and which are not as well as what stores are out stock on each of your items.   


 Eliminate manual data handling.  Getting data from all your retail customers each week and  turning it into something useful can be a real headache and a huge drain on your team’s  productivity.  Our service replaces all that manual work with automated processes to accept  your EDI 852 and POS data, translate it into useful information, and store it automatically into  our custom data warehouse. 


Increase productivity.  Our service automates your business decision making by providing one-click access to all of your key sales and inventory reports.  We apply exception conditions to quickly draw attention to slow moving items or stock-out situations and charts are used to visually identify trends.  


Easy to use.  Our service doesn’t require programming knowledge, advanced spreadsheet software know-how, or time consuming training to master – it’s driven by an intuitive dashboard you click and navigate as though you were surfing the internet.  


Pre-built templates for stock-out, sell-thru, and top selling stores.  Our pre-built templates   save you the time of creating reports and provide your team with best practices learned from years of  POS analysis.  


Real-time team collaboration.  By using our service, all your team members have access to a standard set of reports, so everyone is making decisions on the same information.  Your team can be online together from wherever they happen to be working.  


 Software as a Service.  When you sign up for our service you put the power of our entire  business analysis and engineering team to work for you, and you avoid the expense of  purchasing hardware and software to run your POS analysis.  


No hidden costs.  Our service is provided for a flat monthly fee which includes all data handling and storage, reporting tools, training, and support.  


 Simple on-boarding process.  Our team walks you through the on-boarding process and  customizes each part of our service to meet your needs.  All of your end users are trained on  how to use the pre-built reports, and we customize each report to suit your needs.  The entire  process is typically completed in just a few weeks.