POS Data Collection & Analysis

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POS Reporting for DIY / Hardlines Vendors

Many of our DIY / hardlines customers have been challenged to put accurate and reliable POS reporting in place because:

They have a large volume of data.  The “big 3” (The Home Depot, Lowe’s, Wal-Mart) have over 8,000 stores total and when you multiply that times your SKU count you can easily be looking at more than one million rows of data per week.

   One to many SKU relationships and special order SKU’s require special report handling.

They need web based access to standardized reports for team members that are often in different locations.

  Their retailers provide data in EDI 852 which is not easily translated and used.

They need the ability to setup store specific plan o grams and track pomotions on a timely basis but a majority of the week is spent just preparing the data, leaving little time for analysis.

  They have difficulty handling SKU / store level exceptions due to the large volume of data. 


We work extensively with The Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Wal-Mart data and we know how to integrate your item catalog, shipping data, plan o gram, and other key files for a comprehensive reporting solution.  With Accelerated Analytics, you will have more timely reporting in a consistent format available to any user with an internet connection, iPad, or iPhone.  Your analysts will be able to focus on the business instead of making spreadsheets.   Plus you will have store / SKU level reporting.  Talk about powerful. 

Below is a partial list of some of the DIY / hardlines vendors who have chosen Accelerated Analytics for their point of sale reporting.  We invite you to view our demo and then contact us for more information.