Accelerated Analytics, LLC announces its expanded global footprint, most recently adding India and Indonesia to its international retail customer list. Accelerated Analytics provides point of sale and inventory reporting and analysis for manufacturers working with retailers and their own stores on several continents. Asia includes India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Gulf States. Accelerated Analytics continues to provide retail data services in Europe, covering Germany, Austria, England and Norway, plus Australia, and the US, Canada and Mexico in North America. To extend customer service coverage, Accelerated Analytics has added technical staff in the UK. With Accelerated Analytics reporting tools, retail brands with international partners have an increased ability to improve their sales, in-stock and sell-thru performance levels, and have a platform for real-time collaboration of decision makers with partners around the globe.
Accelerated Analytics, LLC has been providing data warehouse solutions in the retail sales and supply chain market since 2003. We work with customers in consumer products, DIY / hard lines, automotive, apparel, cosmetics, footwear and books. Our customer locations range from Europe, Asia, Australia, Mexico and Canada, to all corners of the USA.
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