There is still halloween candy to eat, but retailers put the 'creep' into holiday shopping right away

Due to Christmas creep, retailers are moving out the pumpkins and putting out winter holiday right away, if not already. Some retail trends shoppers can look forward to now:
- Early season deals are popping up and not waiting for Black Friday. Wal-Mart announced November 1 launches “savings and holiday retailtainment”. The iPad mini will be priced at $199 instead of $268. Target, Amazon, Kmart and Toys R Us all introduced their “hot toy” lists in early Fall with sales starting now.
- Thanks to the broad effects of Amazon Prime, Best Buy and Target and many other retailers are offering free shipping throughout the season.
- Many retailers have implemented their in-store and curb pick-up programs in time for the holidays, using online pre-purchasing and mobile apps in store to get shoppers checked out quickly.
Sales will increase dramatically on Thanksgiving and Black Friday, as usual, but predictions are that 15-18% sales growth will come from online sales on those days. The National Retail Federation (NRF) forecasts holiday sales to rise 3.7% this year with online sales far outpacing brick-and-mortar sales. Counting on those online sales are retailers who have decided to be closed this Thanksgiving to appeal to families: Staples, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Costco, GameStop and Nordstrom.
Source: Money.com