September Consumer Spending Index Improves While Retail Spending Index Decreases Slightly for the Month

The Consumer Spending Report US Spending Index increased 1.7 points in September. 28.7% of adults surveyed rated the US economy as excellent and 30.3% said it is getting better. There was a divide between Democrats and Republicans: 56% of Republicans felt the economy is getting worse, while Democrats had a much higher percentage believing the economy is excellent or getting better. While in most months adults aged 40-64 rate the economy and personal finances low, this month this age group had the highest percentage of respondents believing their finances are excellent.
The Retail Spending Index decreased 0.9 points. The percentage of adults that expected to spend on household expenses declined, with only 10% saying they expect to spend more. 51.2% responded they spent the same as the previous month. The outlook for next month appears to also remain flat.
Source: Chain Store Guide