The American Consumer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) reports that consumer satisfaction with retail is on the decline for the first time in four years.
The ACSI report states brick-and-mortar customer satisfaction fell flat or weakened, while Internet retail is up from last year. By category, overall satisfaction with department and discount stores stayed flat at 77, while the gap between best- and worst-ranked companies grew. Nordstrom was the top rated, gaining 4% to 86. They are followed by Dillard’s (81), Kohl’s (-1% to 80) and Macy’s (79). Walmart dropped 4% to 68 and is at the bottom of the category behind Target (+4% to 80), Meijer (78) and Sears (-5% to 73).
Among home improvement chains, Lowe’s rated best at 81, while Home Depot falls to the category’s bottom dropping 4% to 76.
Amazon remains at the top of the Internet sector, at 86. Netflix improved for the third straight year gaining 3% to 81. Overstock and eBay both dropped to 77 and 79, respectively.
The ACSI is a national economic indicator of customer evaluations of the quality of products and services available to household consumers in the US. The ACSI uses data from 70,000 customers annually for measuring satisfaction with more than 230 companies in 47 industries.
Resource: Retailing Today
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